Research…and Imagination

Dublin By Night

“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book.”

~Samuel Johnson

It’s amazing what you can find in the pages of history once you take the time to look. I have never really taken the time until I, in a most determined way, decided to finish my book, and now it seems as if I cannot stop researching.

Like my reason for writing, this is an outlet so I can experience these countries in a tangent way. I am walking down the alleyways of Dublin and Cairo. I am finding the most wonderful places to eat, hotels to stay in, and to go for a cup of tea. Truly, it is the most rewarding experience – and I hope to use this knowledge when I actually travel to these places!! Maybe take the same route that my characters are while on their  journey from  Dublin to Cairo.

IEnglish: The Citadel and tombs in Cairo, Egypt...t’s a wonderful and most rewarding feeling to be able to create a work that, hopefully, balances the imaginative process as well as the descriptive process. I want my readers to be able to see where they are, but also put their own twist on things. Someone who sees Cairo or Dublin for the first time, will see things much more differently than those who have visited there before, or even, live there. Who will you run into when you sit in a cafe in Dublin? What mysteries will you find in the crypts in Cairo? Let your imagination free, it just might surprise you!!